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Need an appraisal for an FHA-backed mortgage? Call Dawson Residential Appraisal Group

The FHA retains a list of approved appraisers for each state - Dawson Residential Appraisal Group is on the roster of approved appraisers for Florida.  This means that we are certified and approved by the FHA to do reports for house loans insured by them. FHA's guidelines, documentation and policies may seem difficult to grasp, but the staff at Dawson Residential Appraisal Group is well-trained on how to follow the rules and regulations provided.
Contact us today if you need to get an appraisal done on an FHA-insured loan.

The FHA is the Federal Housing Administration, which is a federal organization in the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); if your financial transaction is an FHA loan, it means it is insured by them. The lending company takes care of all the money in the loan - the FHA simply insures the transaction by providing mortgage insurance in case the borrower does not pay off his or her loan. The FHA and their loan programs are formed to aid low-to-moderate income purchasers by easing credit qualifications. Remember that the lending agency approving a loan associated with the Federal Housing Administration is able to pick their appraisers, different from VA appraisal panel.

The rates on FHA loans are generally market rates, while down payment requirements are lower than for conventional loans. Purchasers with lower incomes or less starting funds to put down on a loan are helped the most from Federal Housing Administration loan programs.